Reasons Why You Should Visit Texas
Let’s get real here, Texas doesn’t exactly have a world class reputation for being the leader of innovation. Despite a few bad misconceptions, Texas is actually home to some of the best vacation destinations in America, including the 4th largest city in America, Houston. So if you haven’t visited Texas already, I highly encourage you to take a look below and learn a little more about what makes Texas so freakin’ awesome.
Let’s start with the amazing cuisine..
1. Queso. To be honest, the existence of queso is reason enough to live in Texas, but we’ll give you a few more just for fun.
2. Blue Bell ice cream for days.
3. Honey Butter Chicken Biscuits from Whataburger. AKA your new favorite thing to eat that is actually terrible for your heart, but is so good for your soul.
4. Breakfast tacos. EVERY DAMN DAY.
5. Tex-Mex in general.
6. BBQ, obviously. And understanding what “BBQ” actually means. (Hint: It’s not “grilling.”)
7. Mambo Taxis from Mi Cocina: frozen margaritas mixed with frozen sangria and just a pinch of “wait, what happened last night?”
8. Drinking Dr. Pepper like it’s water.
9. Late-night drunken Taco Cabana runs.
10. Pecan pralines.
11. Being able to eat cuisines from basically the entire world, all within the Houston city limits.
12. The delightfully confusing experience of hearing someone say “I’ll have a coke.” And then immediately ordering some other kind of soda.
13. Crunchy ice and happy hour at Sonic.
14. Homemade tortillas >>>>
15. Home of H.E.B., Central Market, and Whole Foods. And FIESTA!
16. Freshly baked kolaches from Czech Stop.
17. Frito pies.
18. Topo Chicos, the only decent hangover cure in the world.
19. Austin being home to both the world’s best BBQ and being declared by PETA to be the country’s best place to be vegan, because we’re not afraid to contain multitudes.
20. Iced tea = sweet tea.
21. Pickle salt on all of your cheap beer.
22. Tito’s Vodka.
23. Deep Eddy Sweet Iced Tea Vodka mixed with lemonade.
24. Shiner Bock and visiting its adorable brewery.

25. The feeling of pure bliss that comes from driving under an endless blue sky.
26. Or falling asleep to the sounds of a summer thunderstorm.
27. Bluebonnets and wildflowers on the side of the road.
28. Wearing jeans and boots to any and all events.
29. Two-stepping the night away.
30. Floating down the river in the sticky, summer heat.
31. Listening to live music on any given night in Austin.
32. Exploring the unparalleled Texas Hill Country.
33. Not being limited to one type of terrain — caverns, beaches, cities, and deserts abound.
34. Southern hospitality.
35. The subtle joy of actually knowing your neighbors.
36. The men are true gentlemen.
37. And speaking of gentlemen, COACH TAYLOR lives in Texas, so there’s really no beating that.
38. Texas Forever.
39. The thunderous roar of a football game on a Friday night.
40. Fight songs and school pride. * cough * Gig’ Em * cough *
41. The Texas flag pledge of allegiance.
42. The feeling of living in a place people are proud to call home.
43. Finding a majestic state flag on literally anything that could have a flag on it.
45. NASA!
46. There’s no party quite like the Houston Rodeo.
47. Well, except maybe the Renaissance Fair.
48. You haven’t really road-tripped until you’ve been to Buc-ee’s (and used its bathroom).
49. Schlitterbahn — especially spending all afternoon going around and around in the torrent wave pool.
50. Getting to spot local celebs like Matthew McConaughey and Willie Nelson just chilling and with no one bothering them.

51. SXSW and ACL.
52. Lazy afternoons sitting in one of many of outdoor bars.
53. Running/pretending to jog around Town Lake.
54. Cute boys and foxy ladies with a sugary sweet Texas drawl.
55. Strangers who smile and say hi everywhere you go.
56. Two seasons: summer and slightly chillier than summer.
57. Three of the best NBA teams in the country in one state.
58. Homecoming mums are the prettiest and how do other high schoolers do homecoming without them?
60. A little bit of Spanish in everyone’s English just makes everything sound prettier.
61. Proof that there’s a ton of life in the desert.
62. Townes Van Zandt.
63. The late-night sounds of screech owls among the trees.
64. Giant live oak trees that remind you how small you are and how big and old the world is.
65. Exploring some weird and wonderful underground caverns and feeling like you’re on another planet.
66. This is the same place that both GEORGE STRAIT and BEYONCE are from, so you know it’s special.
67. To fully understand that “y’all” just makes sense and everyone should use it.
68. Awesome trucks.
69. Passing lanes on the interstate that are actually used as passing lanes.
70. Summer night dances at Garner State Park.
71. Knowing people that are actually just like the characters on King of the Hill.
72. Jackalopes.
73. Seeing authentic Texas blues in Deep Ellum in Dallas.
74. Living in a magic economy that keeps on truckin’ when the rest of country is flopping.
75. Texans of all political stripes are usually super serious about their freedom and think everyone should be able to do whatever the heck they want as long as it’s not hurting anyone.

76. The stars at night are big and bright.
77. The Marfa lights, not to mention all of their cool art museums.
78. Selena (RIP).
79. A chance to be an extra in movies like Dazed & Confused and Machete.
80. Houston rap.
81. The spring break parties along the Gulf Coast.
82. Learning that armadillos give birth only to identical quadruplets, which somehow makes them even cuter.
83. Watching the old couples at Gruene Dance Hall.
84. Cooling off in the Frio River, God’s true gift to mankind.
85. Spending a weekend antique shopping in historic Fredericksburg.
86. The blissful feeling of having absolutely nothing to do on a Sunday.
87. Nolan Ryan played for both of Texas’ baseball teams and he’s the best pitcher ever. Coincidence? I think not.
88. The Texas State Fair is the best in the country (deep-fried Oreos, anyone?).
89. The sweet beards and indie rock of Denton.
90. Luckenbach, Texas. Population: 3.
91. Romantic evenings walking along San Antonio’s Riverwalk.
92. The Houston Galleria is one of the best and biggest malls in the country.
93. Finding out that bats aren’t so bad (they eat all the damn bugs!).
94. Cadillac Ranch, where a bunch of art cars are buried in the desert because Texas?
95. Real authentic country music, not the pop radio stuff (see: Waylon Jennings).
96. Being so close to Mexico that you can basically say you’ve been there even if you don’t have a passport.
97. Camping at Big Bend national park, the most peaceful place on the planet.
98. Looking at the stars through the giant McDonald Observatory telescopes in Fort Davis.
99. Chilling on the beach in Port Aransas because Texas has beaches too!
100. Living in the state with the most state pride.
101. And finally, knowing for a fact that everything is actually bigger and better in Texas!

Milky Way rises over the McDonald Observatory near Fort Davis, T.X.
Looking to learn a little more about the freaky side of Texas? Check out:
16 Disgustingly Terrifying Things People Eat At The Houston Rodeo
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