13 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do On Spotify

You never have to google lyrics in a separate window again — Spotify’s free Tune Wiki app does it all for you.
Just go to Spotify’s “App Finder” listed in the Navigation bar, find Tune Wiki, and click “Add.” When you click on Tune Wiki in the sidebar, you’ll see the lyrics to whatever song you’re playing scrolling in real time.
BONUS: Instant at-home karaoke!

The Lazify app is basically Pandora built right into Spotify. Drag an item (a song, artist, album, playlist, or user) into Lazify and it’ll create the perfect playlist of related tracks. You can even pick how long you want the playlist to be — whether it’s just 10 tracks or up to eight hours of music.
Use the Moodagent app to find the perfect playlist for your current temperament — whether you’re feeling sensual, tender, happy, or angry.
You can also drag your own playlist into the app, and it will analyze the songs and create a “mood profile” for the entire playlist. You can sort by mood tempo, and even control the curves.
Just right-click on the playlist you want to share and click “Collaborative Playlist.” You can share the playlist with friends and they can add their own songs.
Next time you’re having a party, crowdsource your party mix by making a playlist and have guests add what songs they want to hear ahead of time.

Spotify got rid of its “What’s New” tab a while back, but you can still check out all the new music coming out by clicking on “Browse” in the Nav bar. You can toggle through new releases, news, top lists, and explore music by genre and mood.
The Classify app makes discovering the perfect classical song or playlist super easy. In addition to their recommended playlists, you can explore by clicking on a popular composer, picking an instrument, a mood (ex. dark, dramatic, happy, relaxing, etc.), era, or theme, like film scores.

You can share music in super clean link form by dragging songs into the body of an email or an instant message. SO. EASY. You can also copy/paste, if you prefer.

Spotify didn’t originally have a library like iTunes where you could view all your music in one place. Donovan Sung, a product manager at Spotify working on discovery and recommendation, explained to BuzzFeed that with the new design, all the songs you save, star, or add to a playlist can now be found in “Your Music.”
“It lets you take all of your saved songs and sort them by album or artist, which is something that people have been asking for for a long time,” Sung said.
You can access “Your Music” on your desktop app, phone, and tablet. The feature is still being rolled out to users, so don’t fret if you don’t see it on your app interface just yet.

Another new feature with the redesign is that you can now save albums and songs with one click to “Your Music.” Before, you had to make every album its own playlist, which could get pretty cumbersome and annoying to scroll through.
You can see both what songs you have coming up next, as well as all the history of all the songs you’ve listened to, by clicking “Play Queue” in the navigation bar.

FOLDERS! Maybe you knew about them, or maybe you completely missed them, like I did.
This is especially great if you want to group playlists by month or year (like “2013 Favorites,” etc.) as a kind of archive, or if you want to group different playlists into a themed folder, like “Workout Mixes.”
Just click File —> New Playlist Folder.

If you want to send someone a song and have it start at a particular point, you can.
Here’s how you do it:
1. Right-click on the song and click “Copy Spotify URL”
2. Paste the track into your search bar or a Plain Text editor.
3. Add “#” and the timestamp after it, like so: #X:Y
4. To listen to one of the epic drops in “Turn Down For What,” for example, you could send your friend this link: spotify:track:67awxiNHNyjMXhVgsHuIrs#1:15
A lot of people know that you can temporarily hide what you’re listening to by clicking on your name in the top right corner of the desktop app and selecting “Private Session.” But it’s only a temporary fix — it resets to public when you close the app.
But what if you listen to “Wrecking Ball” for four hours every day and you don’t want to worry about remembering to check “Private”?
THERE’S A PERMANENT FIX FOR THIS. Just go to “Spotify” in the toolbar, select “Preferences,” and you can uncheck the boxes for sharing your activity on Spotify and Facebook — for good.
You can also choose to keep your playlists and most listened to tracks and artists on the down low. Now you can listen to as much Flo Rida as you want, in peace.
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