Here’s Where NOT To Stay During Your Travels. Staying At Some Of These Places Would Be Life Threatening, I Swear.

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When taking on home improvement projects, many people are intimidated. It’s hard to know how just everything inside of a house works. Unfortunately, 19 poor souls attempted projects that weren’t so much home improvements as they were home wreckers. At least Tim the Toolman Taylor isn’t around to see these atrocities: 1.) An insecure fence […]

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A Cab Ride One Man Will Never Forget

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A businessman that makes a living flying from city to city recently had an experience that would change his life. After getting into a cab at O’Hare Airport in Chicago, IL, he noticed something strange. Inside of the immaculately clean car, there were two laminated signs. Each stated that there was free kosher or halal […]

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Universal Excitement about Vacationing at Diagon Alley

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by Amy Petulla from Chattanooga Ghost Tours Visions of summer vacation are dancing through the heads of thousands about to be released from the bonds of school. If you find yourself in thrall to that siren song, read on, as we are so completely under that spell ourselves that we have spent countless hours researching […]

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