
More and more people are taking up photography as a hobby. If you happen to be one of them, or you would just like to improve the photos you do shoot, then you just might find the photographic tips below quite helpful.

Tip # 1 – Novices Should Not Buy the Most Expensive Equipment – If you are just starting out, it is possible get some really nice photos using inexpensive point and shoot cameras. The companies that produce these items are always introducing new products. The easiest way to know which one will meet your needs and is the best value is to read the unbiased reviews that can be found on the internet. However, I highly recommend using a camera other than the one on your phone. Take a look at how bad some of my iPhone pictures turned out.

Tip # 2 – Consider Getting a Tripod – If you are a little bit older now and your hands are not as steady as they once were, or you are not happy with the photos you are shooting, think about getting a tripod. A tripod provides a very stable base which at the very least will ensure you do not end up blurry photos. These days, tripods are even being made for iPhones, Google it or check out your local camera store and you’ll find a decent tripod for under $20.


Taylor with his Canon EOS 6D.


Tip # 3 – Never Leave Home Without your Camera – After all, you never know when the next great opportunity is going to present itself, and if you do not have your camera, you are going to miss it.

Tip # 4 – Get as Close as Possible – If you want to take great photos, please try and get as close as possible to your subject. In most cases, a bad background means a bad photography, and you do not want that to happen.

Tip # 5 – Keep Shooting – The more photos you take, the more likely you are to end up with a couple that you think are fantastic. We are in the digital age and it does not cost anything to take bad pictures, like it did when you had to pay to have your film developed.

Tip # 6 – Rent the Equipment – If you are an amateur photographer that has volunteered to shoot your best friend’s wedding or some other important event, please just rent the equipment. If at some time in the future, your pastime turns into a fulltime profession you can then buy the types of cameras you need to photograph special occasions.

Tip # 7 – Study your Photos – Don’t just simply glanced at them and pick out the ones you like the most. Instead, look them over and try to remember what you did and did not do so that you know how to react in the future in order to end up with a perfect shot on each and every attempt.

Tip # 8 – Join a Photography Club – There are not too many other things that you can do that will improve your skill and knowledge faster than by interacting with other photographers. Some of the people that you will meet in these clubs have been shooting photos their entire lives, and their experience and knowhow can and will enhance the quality of the photographs you take in no time at all.

Tip # 9 – Read and Study – The internet has changed our lives in many ways, and one of the most important ones is the amount of high quality information we now have access to. There is a ton of great material online that you can use to help to improve your photographic skills.

Tip # 10 – Understand Basic Composition – Find out what makes up a photograph’s elements. Essentially it all bowls down to the “Rule of Thirds”. What you want to do is breakup each photo in nine different squares that are practically the same size. Next, you need to line up the subject so that it is divided within those nine boxes. Some newer cameras now have guide rules that can help you understand and execute this concept at a higher level rather quickly.

Tip # 11 – Lighting Matters – Virtually everybody that has ever taken a photo knows that the amount of light you have and where it is coming from can affect a pictures outcome. If you are not willing to study light and know all there is to know about it, you will never be a great photographer.

Tip # 12 – Keep it Simple – Sometimes less is more, and when it comes to beginners trying to learn how to become great photographers, that old saying always rings true.

Tip # 13 – Understand Framing – Anything that can be used to focus a viewer’s eyes on the main subject enhances a photograph. Remember to use things like the seashore, tree branches, roads, rivers, or the skyline to frame a photo.

Tip # 14 – Think About the Photos Perspective – When you take a shot, not only do you have to understand what you are seeing through your lens, but also what that picture is going to look like when it is viewed by somebody else. Please try and move your camera around and look at all of the available angels and alternative locations before you make your final positioning decision. Also start asking yourself questions, like do you want the objects in the foreground to appear much larger than those in the background, or vice versa?

 Tip # 15 – Learn How to Use your Cameras Zoom Function – Even the most basic and inexpensive digital cameras now come with zoom capabilities. They allow the beginner to select their subject and choose the items they want in the background. The pros use this resource at a level that most novices will never be able to fully comprehend to produce some of the very best photographs the world has ever seen.

When it comes to learning how to develop into an outstanding photographer it takes time, experience, and a willingness to acquire as much knowledge as possible. The great thing about photography is that you are never too young or too old to enjoy the activity.

In addition, it is a hobby that can be appreciated by the entire family and spending time shooting photos is a great way to build bonds and enjoy quality time together. Hopefully, you will have found the tips above useful and they will improve your photographic ability.

Deciding On a Camera

Really, all any beginner photographer needs is an iPhone, every model comes with its very own camera. In more recent models, the camera has been drastically improved to include additional features, such as the panorama feature, and there is now a front camera as well, which is perfect for FaceTime or taking those ever popular “selfies!” The iPhone camera (or any cell phone camera, for this matter), is great because it is with you at all times, safely stowed away in your pocket, you don’t really have to worry about it getting broken or stolen (especially if you have “Find My iPhone” installed and have a protective iPhone case… such as the waterproof cases called “LifeProof”) and it’s simplistic to use! There are tons of photo editing apps out there, many of which are free. My favorite free apps are “Aviary,” “Photoshop Express,” and “PE-Fotolr.”

Personally, as the owner of a large travel site, it is very important that I be able to take top notch video footage and images. That’s why I I have no regrets about investing in a good camera. While my iPhone 5 takes incredible pictures, I can still tell a dramatic difference with my Sony A33 $750 camera. Before you get hooked on a certain brand such as Canon or Nikon, I recommend stopping by your local camera store (such as Wolf Camera) and speaking with a professional about the best camera in your price range, even if you don’t plan on buying your camera from them. A Best Buy employee in their camera department once told me that I probably know more about their camera than he did and that was pretty embarrassing because I was 14 at the time! Not only has my Sony A33 enabled me to take high quality videos that have gotten hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube, it has also been excellent for personal family pictures. The only down side of it is that it is large and somewhat heavy, making it annoying to carry around all day. Fortunately though, a number of small cameras are currently being produced with the same quality of a professional SLR-which are usually cheaper and can fit in the pocket of your jacket or in your purse. I eventually want to have a small high quality camera that I can take to theme parks and big cities as well as a large camera that can be taken on road trips and attractions that are not all day events and don’t require a lot of walking. The iPad has also become an excellent device for an avid photographer and thanks to SCOTTEVEST one can now put their iPad in their coat pocket.

There are many incredible travel books out there and travel sites such as Darren Rowse’s Digital Photography School that provide amazing tips free of charge.


Taylor Goldblatt

After years of research, travel, and dreams, I have created this website for people like you who want to experience the things that only America can offer. My passion is to explore and share America's greatest destinations and attractions. Follow me on Twitter @USCityTraveler for additional travel tips and ideas.

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