In 2009, the animated movie Up took the world by storm (and made me cry in the theater). It’s a heartwarming story about a man who, after his wife passed away, decided to honor her memory in the most touching way. One thing you might not have realized, though, is that the house in the movie that […]
A very special father kept a secret from his daughter for 13 years, just so he could give her a priceless gift on the day of her high school graduation. On her very first day of school, he bought “Oh The Places You’ll Go” by Dr. Seuss. Ever since her first day of kindergarten, he […]
More often than not, a proposal of marriage is a complete surprise to one of the people in the relationship. However, when Anthony Taylor and Stephanie Walker got engaged, Anthony took the surprise aspect a little far. The couple were on vacation in Turkey when he popped the question. Her reaction was … extreme. The couple were […]