Wallet Lost In Ocean 24 Years Ago Is Returned
Written by Taylor Goldblatt
24 years ago, one man lost his wallet in the ocean. For all intents and purposes, he considered it gone for good. The likelihood of finding it after leaving the ocean was low. It contained his IDs, library card, ATM card and more.
One day, out of the blue, he received a mysterious and small package. It was years after he lost the wallet, so he didn’t expect to find this.
Before a mysterious (and long lost) package arrived in the mail, the owner received this fortune.
The very same day, this package came for him.
Inside was the wallet he lost in the ocean… 24 years ago. The outside of the wallet was amazingly preserved.
The inside took some damage, but some of the cards stored inside were in great condition.
His college ID…
An ATM card…
A library card (which took some damage)…
His first driver’s license…
And finally his high school ID.
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