Just Wait Till You See What Type Of Traveling Machine This Student Got.. It’ll Blow Your Mind.
As he was graduating from the University of Minnesota’s architecture school, Hank Butitta took on a thesis project with a simple theme: buying and converting a school bus into a home. Hank Bought a Bus was the project’s official name. He wanted to put all of his theories and skills to the test, to see if he could convert a school bus into a comfortable, functional and beautiful living space.
I think he succeeded.
Hank’s version of “living on a bus” is definitely better than what most people think. This mobile bus/home is part of the “tiny house movement,” where people are attempting to leave a smaller footprint on this earth and use their space more efficiently. To learn more about Hank and his project, check out his video too:
That school bus is better than my apartment. It’s just too cool, click below to share it with others.
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