Just Wow – This Is Why You Should Have A Camera In Your Hands At All Times During Your Travels
Written by Taylor Goldblatt
It’s not every day that you see a gorgeous praying mantis. They are a delicate and elusive creature that thrive in only certain environments. So, it’s even more rare to see one to lay eggs which then result in beautiful, exotic little babies. Praying mantises get a bad rap because they look evil (and the females allegedly attack the males after mating), but we think they are amazing. This Reddit user was able to catch this amazing process on film. It all started 38 weeks before, and he said it was the coolest thing he’s ever witnessed.
They may look cute, but even these tiny guys are ferocious insects. They look like little army guys heading into battle.
I want one.
It might have taken weeks to come to fruition, but this is way better than watching a silly old butterfly hatch from a cocoon. Okay, maybe not.
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