Think You Can’t Afford A Super Cool Vacation Home? These Micro Houses Are Sure To Prove You Wrong.
These micro houses prove that there is a certain beauty in finding a low-impact solution for you and your family. Bigger isn’t always better.
Small Traveling Microhouse

This 160 squae-foot microhouse cost Rachel Ross less than $8000 to build from recycled material.

The quaint home looks like something from a fairytale and Rachel now uses the home as a writer’s retreat. It’d be hard not be inspired living in a home like this.
$11,000 Dollar Tiny Dream Home

Macy Miller is an architect from Idaho who wanted a place of her own–but hated the thought of a mortgage.

For two years, Macy worked on this 196 square-foot home, which was cheap enough to avoid any debt.

The best thing? It’s totally portable and Macy can live wherever she wants without leaving her spectacular home.
Hobbit House

Dan Price lives on $5,000 a year, mostly in the hobbit hole which he has inhabited for more than 20 years.

The home, bathhouse, sauna, workshop and garage are all built from recycled material. Dan only needs to work odd jobs, leaving him with enough time to explore the nearby woods.
Shipping Container House in Woods

It may not look like a garbage heap from the outside, but this home proves just how modern a recycled house can be. The interior is amazing…

Escape Cabin

ESCAPE cabins are modular portable homes. You can select how they look, the amount of space and even more.

They’re fully portable and get delivered to you when they’re built.
Small Portable House

Although it looks no bigger than a broom cupboard, this small home is desceptive…

Clever design means that everything a home needs can fit into the space of a small room.
Extending cabin house

Designed by Cavco Park Home & Cabins of Phoenix, AZ, these beautiful homes are built on wheels and perfect for recreational use.
Transforming A-Frame House

This $1200 holiday home can be repacked and carried away at the end of a weekend in the woods.

Compact Cabin with loft

Surrounded by 52 acres of woodland and mountains, this cabin in the woods is dwarfed by its environment. It serves as a perfect escape from every day life.
Tiny Cabin in the Woods

This $8000 cabin in Washington serves as a perfectly cosy getaway. There’s nowhere better to light a fire.

Modern low impact house

Minimod is an innovative and sustainable alternative to traditional housing. It’s built off-site, meaning that there’s no construction impact on the surrounding environment.

Despite the environmentally friendly focus, the homes are equisite.
Homemade micro housing

Constructed entirely from recycled materials, these caravans combine sustainability, comfort and portability.

Modular Micro Home

Geoffrey Warner, a violinist, built this peaceful retreat for $60,000 in 2003. The large windows offer an amazing view of the surrounding evironment but keep in the heat during the winter.

Modern Microcabin

This “treehouse” sits on stilts, 12 feet from the ground of downtown Los Angeles.

Tiny Modern Home

After being faced with the cleaning and utility bills of a large house, Andrew and Gabriella Morrison built this mortgage-free house on wheels.

Andrew and Gabriella claim that living in a smaller space has bought them closer together on a relationship level.
Mini-Double Loft Rock House

This smaller house is far more environmentally friendly that the average home but still offers the opportunity to live in a multi-storey home.
Affordable family micro house

This house may not be quite as small as those above, but that’s because it fits an entire family.

This DIY house hosts Hari, Karl and their two children. After their restaurant had to close, this $12,000 home offered a mortgage-free life.
Micro-house with sky loft

While it looks like a greenhouse, this coastal home in California, built by Mickey Muennig, has a removable window which helps keep the place cool.
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