Hilarious Screw-Ups To Look Out For During Your Next Vacation
Written by Taylor Goldblatt
From hilarious to absolutely horrifying, these 21 product fails could have easily been avoided. You had one job, factory workers. One job!
We have a feeling they don’t know what six sigma is. Or quality control. Or quality.
1. The Lekars are doing great this season.

2. The most hardcore skaters have Vasn.

3. … we can’t even guess

4. Panda slapping is strictly prohibited

5. Close enough, watch.

6. At least the colors are right.

7. Some people could consider gunfire music…

8. Much better than China.

9. We can’t even describe the rage we have over this.

10. Basically the same thing, right?

11. But what if you have two right ears?

12. Now they aren’t even trying.

13. You can leave your friends behind.

14. Continent? Check.

15. Somehow, they made dolls more terrifying.

16. This actually makes us WANT to watch Big Bang Theory.

17. Shut up and take my money.

18. Nightmare fuel shouldn’t be sold in stores.

19. At least they are recycling.

20. To be fair, the new movie will have both Batman and Superman.


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