Photos Of The Most Extreme Weather on Earth
Written by Taylor Goldblatt
There is one thing that humans will never have control of: the earth. That’s why when she creates such amazing or terrible weather, we are absolutely transfixed. It’s out of our control and Mother Earth’s power is beautiful.
Below are some of the most stunning images captured of weather; from the terrifying to the awe-inspiring, these are images that you’ll want to remember forever (or see for yourself):
1.) Insane typhoon waves crash in front of a child in Qingdao, China.

2.) During a severe storm, a bolt of lightning hits the Willis Tower in Chicago, IL.

3.) Cows search for food during an extreme drought in New Zealand.

4.) A beautiful aurora borealis lights up the Alaskan sky.

5.) Victims of Indonesian mud volcano immerse themselves in pools of mud to show just how severe the situation is.

6.) An abandoned roller coaster drifts out to sea in New Jersey, after Hurricane Sandy demolished the theme park it was in.

7.) Half of Manhattan, NY, lost power during the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

8.) An underwater volcano erupts in Tonga.

9.) A record-breaking blizzard hits Washington D.C. in 2010.

10.) Off of the coast of Australia, a surfer races a water spout to shore.

11.) Enormous piles of melting ice can be seen all over Greenland, which was once covered in glaciers.

12.) Clouds of ash over Iceland after the Eyjafjallajökull erupted.

13.) Locals and tourists run from the huge tsunami waves hitting the shore in Thailand, during the Boxing Day Tsunami in 2004.

14.) For the first time in over 50 years, the Puyehue volcano erupted in Chile.

15.) As a pre-cursor to El Nino, thousands of pelagic red crabs washed up on the shore in San Diego, CA.

16.) Tsunami flood waters destroy cities in Japan.

17.) Evacuated islanders watch the Tavurvur volcano explode in Papua, New Guinea.

18.) Japanese monkeys huddle near a hot spring after a snowfall.

19.) A rainbow stretches over the city of San Francisco, CA, during a ball game.

20.) A rare site, the entire state of Alaska is completely cloudless and visible from space.

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