Let’s Talk National Parks With Gary Arndt From Everything Everywhere
Gary has visited over 125 US National Park Service Sites and it is truly an honor to have the opportunity to interview him today. He recently announced the North American National Parks Project, where he will be setting out on a journey to visit all of the National Parks of the United States and Canada.
Which US National Park is your favorite and what makes it stand out from the 400-some others?
It is hard to pick one. There are so many great ones and they are all different. Among my favorites are Yellowstone, Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Volcanoes, Olympic, Death Valley and Carlsbad Caverns.
One of Gary’s photo’s from Yellowstone National Park.
Gary’s photo from Death Valley.
What are some of the best meals that you have had at National Parks?
Is there something that you always pack for National Park trips?
A camera. Weather and geography can change, but you’ll always want to take photos.
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