This Guy Gave Up Traveling To Spend 10 Years Working On His Hedge. When You See It… OMG.
Written by Taylor Goldblatt
We live in a world of instant gratification. If we can’t have it now, we throw a tantrum and just quit. But that’s just not possible when gardening. You have to spend countless hours, days, or even years, to grow amazing things. It’s the ultimate teacher of patience.
So when this gardener gave up months of annual world traveling to set out 10 years to create a work of art for his wife, he knew what he was getting into.
Meet John Brooker, a 75 year old gardener from England.
10 years ago he set out to create something beautiful for his wife
It has taken him nearly a decade to perfect the mythical beast, adding extra details as the hedge has grown over the years.
The result is truly amazing!
Wow. That’s truly dedication. I guess maybe I should be a little more satisfied with myself when I at least mow the lawn. That’s an equivalent skill, right?
P.S., share this ridiculously cool monster with your friends below. 🙂
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