A Cab Ride One Man Will Never Forget
A businessman that makes a living flying from city to city recently had an experience that would change his life. After getting into a cab at O’Hare Airport in Chicago, IL, he noticed something strange. Inside of the immaculately clean car, there were two laminated signs. Each stated that there was free kosher or halal food available for those passengers who were hungry and perhaps couldn’t find any food for themselves in the airport.
“Your sign and message are awesome. Amazing,” the passenger said to the cab driver.
And he told his fare the simple story of where it all began. Travelers were arriving hungry – especially many traveling international.
So this was his way to help.
Nothing more than that.
“Well, you are an inspiration,” the man told him.
And he just smiled.
Another fare in the backseat. Nourished with kosher kindness.
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