32 Cringeworthy Events That Make Me NEVER Want To Step Out Of The House EVER Again
Written by Taylor Goldblatt
Who wants to leave town and travel when the world is filled with ignoramuses who creep us out to no end… ?! Here’s just a few of the crazy actions from around the world that make us want to never leave home. Society is just too wacko these days. *sighs*
1. The Family Skittles Christmas portrait:
2. This next-level misspelling:
3. The life and times of White Chocolate:
4. These very well-timed tattoos:
5. This steamy Facebook conversation:
6. The best boyfriend perk ever:
7. The most ’90s glamour shot ever taken:
8. This man’s deep, dark secret:
9. This heartwarming tale of lust, love, and betrayal:
10. This philosopher’s thesis:
11. Any and every dress made out of cheese:
12. This incredibly important anniversary:
13. These two eligible bachelors on the prowl:
14. The loneliest high-five ever:
15. Some good ol’ fashioned dad flirtin’:
16. These future cartographers hard at work:
17. This bit of oversharing:
18. The ultimate car decal:
19. This unfortunate spelling error:
20. The Fucking Killas hard at work:
21. Any picture with the tagline “my face when I’m moaning:”
22. Tents:
23. This very informative tattoo:
24. The question on everyone’s mind:
25. This man’s special talent:
26. The world’s very first dad-zoning:
27. This badass’ manifesto:
28. And this badass’ profile pic:
29. The world’s worst email address:
30. The man with the infinite six pack that transcends our Earthly boundaries of six packs:
31. The smoothest come on ever:
32. And, of course, the time Ryan Seacrest tried to high-five a blind guy:
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